Thursday, July 4, 2019

Xiegu G1M Transceiver Portable Remote

Raspberry Pi Portable Xiegu G1M Transceiver Controller

Here is a portable remote control for my G1M using flrig. Note that both the computer and G1M are portable and running off a small battery (Lithium w/6Ah 12V and 3A 5V USB output). All you have to do is hook the Xiegu USB cable into the rear of the rig's COM port and configure using the IC-7100 protocol - very easy!

What works: freq/band change, VFO A/B swaps, mode change (AM/LSB/USB/CW), Pre-amp, Split and PTT. I may look into changing flrig's source to include a more sparse G1M control layout:

Here is a short demo video showing how the Raspberry Pi and LCD touchscreen work with flrig:

The Raspberry Pi and flrig work well together! Now I have a portable controller for all my rigs!


  1. Hi Willie, do you make these for sale? Thank you Eddie.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have the same setup. Xiegu G1M is a great Radio!
    perfect for the raspberry Pi.
    Tip: Baud rate is 19200!

    1. agree! i also hacked the flrig source to remove some of the non-working cruft... have also noticed that the developers now have the X5105 as a rig in the configuration menu - so maybe the G90 is next? (Xiegu has released a supported CIV spec, but most of us are waiting for reverse engineering of the main unit<->display unit serial comms)

  4. How does this work with ft8? I heard the mic cable has ro be customized somehow.

    1. works fine... connect usb cat cable to g1m com port, connect g1m spkr out to usb audio in, connect usb audio out to g1m mic jack (solder ring and tip on a 3.5mm stereo cable) - done! wsjtx is ic-7100, 19200, 8n1, PTT via CAT
